Located in Spring Creek park, my favorite park in State College, this bridge has a lot of meaning to me. Built in 1976 by the students of ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) of the Penn State University, the project was led by my father, the group's advisor. I was just a little tyke at the time, but my younger brother and I loved being doted on by the students.
I especially remember the day the bridge was brought out to the creek and placed on it's supports. With all kinds of equipment and a lot of fussing, it was a big day for everyone. I was carted out of there before the big moment, I believe my mother's exact words were "it's time to go to school honey." Unfortunately for me, kindergarten wasn't going to wait. Many photographers have photographed this scene over the years and through the seasons. Ironically, I never had a copy of this image, that is, until now.